Read Across America Week
- My student has overdue books but we can't find them/they're lost/damaged, etc. What should we do?
- I typically don't like to collect payment for lost books until the end of the year. Sometimes books are found in classrooms, on the bus, in the Kaleidoscope bookshelf, on the library bookshelves, and just haven't been checked in. During inventory I find a LOT of missing books. But if you know for sure that a book is GONE gone, you are welcome to pay for it via Revtrak. I also have an Amazon Wishlist with a lot of our often-replaced popular titles, and you're welcome to purchase books from there as well, as replacement. Please let me know if you do, or include student name in the Revtrak payment notes, so that I can clear the student's account!
- My student returned a book, but it is still showing as checked out OR my student never borrowed the book that is showing as checked out on their account!
- Since this is a children's library, mistakes like checkouts to the wrong name sometimes happen. Sometimes books get "returned" but not checked in, or they get returned to the wrong place. A lot of missing books are found during inventory, so if there is an issue like this where a book is mistakenly on an account, or has been returned, please be patient with me and I will do my best to find it during inventory!
- How do I log minutes on Beanstack from home?